Musique religieuse Camerounaise en Beti Eton MAYE KANE YEHOVAH Video Live Mekena Gospel

This is a live video recording : a cover of the song M’AYE KAN JEHOVAH which was originally sang by the group « ONE GRACE » and composed by Pamela Emvana in the Eton language from the Centre province of Cameroon. It is a thanksgiving worship to the Lord Almighty for sending His only only son to […]

Bikutsi Gospel Live Praise Mon Dieu as tout payé Mekena Gospel 237 Tabernacle records

Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Prov 18-21. God’s only son suffered on the cross so that we may not suffer anymore! Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! Thanks for commenting and subscribing to the page!​ Twitter: @MekenaGospel Instagram: @MekenaGospel Watsapp: +237696438356

Hallelujah Lyrics (paroles) video musique religieuse Camerounaise Mekena Gospel

Alléluia parce que Dieu est si bon, chanter des hymnes à son beau nom (Psaumes 135-3) Et après cela, j’ai entendu la grande voix de beaucoup de gens dans le ciel, disant: Alléluia, salut, gloire, honneur et puissance au Seigneur notre Dieu. (Apocalypse 19-1) Merci de commenter et de vous abonner!​ Twitter: @MekenaGospel Instagram: […]

Nouveau Bikutsi Gospel 100% Camerounais ‘Me Ndiki’ Niyeu’ Mekena Gospel Live recording

The song says We have decided to follow Christ and the voice of the holy spirit no matter what. The cross before us and ungodly practices behind us; no turning back! If anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation. Old things have passed away; new things have come #2 Corinthians 5-17 Merci de […]

MY PRAISE (Regarde ton Jésus) Bendskin gospel live video Mekena Gospel Cameroon

My praise is live video recording shot by Valery Mvondo and performed by Mekena Gospel. It includes the Bendskin rythm which is a signature from the Western Region of Cameroon. The song was composed by Mekena Gospel and was lyrically inspired from Gabriel Eziashi’s ‘My Praise’. It is a good thing to give thanks unto […]

Rois des rois (King of kings) Hymn cover Rehearsal version Mekena Gospel

Rev 17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him [are] called, and chosen, and faithful. Merci de commenter et de vous abonner!​ Twitter: @MekenaGospel Instagram: @MekenaGospel WhatsApp : +237696438356

Musique religieuse Camerounaise en Beti Eton MAYE KANE YEHOVAH Video Live Mekena Gospel

This is a live video recording : a cover of the song M’AYE KAN JEHOVAH which was originally sang by the group « ONE GRACE » and composed by Pamela Emvana in the Eton language from the Centre province of Cameroon. It is a thanksgiving worship to the Lord Almighty for sending His only only son to […]

Bikutsi Gospel 2020 FREESTYLYE video Mekena Gospel

This video is the backstage of Mekena ‘s recent live Bikutsi Marathon on Facebook! Praise him with a timbrel and dance; Praise Him with string instruments and flutes! Psalms 150-4 Thanks for commenting and subscribing to the page!​ Twitter: @MekenaGospel Instagram: @MekenaGospel Watsapp: +237670302899 #bikutsimarathonpraise​#

Afy Douglas Savior the man you saved has come through worship you cover by Mekena

One minute in your presence is worth several hours out of it.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 (Exodus 33-15) Thanks for commenting and subscribing to the page!​ Twitter: @MekenaGospel Instagram: @MekenaGospel Watsapp: +237670302899