Ejuim-Nchang (Official video) by Helen Nsobeesong aka mama Nso

EJUIM-NCHANG means Nothing God cannot do. There’s absolutely nothing my God cannot do. Have you come to the end of yourself? Are you being mocked at failures and being tagged according to the situation you are going through like the woman of the issue of blood whose sickness muted her name and she was described as the woman with an issue of blood? My God is capable and able to turn your mockery into mind blowing channels of testimonies,trust in Him and never let your faith waiver for God is about to turn that pain into great gain. Hannah was mocked by penninah remember, but she ran back to God and her Samuel came. Your Samuel might not be a child,it might be a job, husband,wife,visa,capital for business,ministry or whatever,I see God working a miracle in Jesus name.