Josephine Atanga – « I Shall No More Die » with Jacob Nguni as Special Guest Singer

Josephine Atanga is a well known African Gospel Music artist based in Washington DC Metro area. She has won many Gospel Music awards. She was recently a nominee at the 2012 African Gospel Music award pageant held in the UK.

Josephine Atanga plays some acoustic guitar too. A few years back, ace music producer and arranger Jacob Nguni discovered Josephine Atanga when she was a singer in Pastor Toby Awasum’s Omega Ministries in DC area. That encounter led to the first double release of Josephine Atanga’s CDs including the hit song « AYENE ».

In the video presented here, Josephine sings « I Shall No More Die » and her music producer and arranger Jacob Nguni also sings as Special Guest Singer. « I Shall No More Die » is self explicit with no further need for interpretation. Listen to « I Shall No More Die » to the very end to enjoy the song in full. Happy listening and God bless.

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